Prayer Meeting

We provide several opportunities for prayer, as well as the meetings listed below, many other groups have time set aside at the end for praying together.

Monday evenings  Prayer & Praise 7pm 
The Mossvale Hall 

Wednesday mornings  Abide - devotional and prayer time 9.30am 
The Group Room, Mossvale Hall 

Sunday mornings 10.00am 
The Upper Room, Mossvale Hall


Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God; it directly connects us to Him. All relationships need communication, no one can learn to trust another if they have never spoken with them.

God wants us to tell him what is on our minds, even though He sees and understands our situations better than we do, He still wants to hear from us in our own words. The Bible tells us that God hears and will answer, the more we talk to Him, the more we find our prayers being answered, the stronger our faith in Him will become. We know this to be true as we have seen it happen in our own lives.

Individually we learn that prayer is important for our personal relationship with God, but we also have meetings devoted to prayer, when we will focus on requests that we have been given.

We also pray when opening and ending each service, during our times of worship, and when we take Communion.

After the sermon there may be opportunity to pray for individuals, or at the end of the service if you wait at the Cross, some of the Ministry Team would love to pray with you.

Page last updated: Tuesday 17th January 2023 2:41 PM
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